Scalar Wave Technology
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Scalar Wave Technology

We have created a Sacred Energy Sanctuary, that consists of multi-computer systems generating bioactive life-enhancing fields of Scalar Waves while at the same time using chakra color therapy and subtle light frequencies. These fields are clinically proven to boost cellular regeneration, immune functions, detoxification, neurotransmitter functions and balances right and left brain hemispheres as proven with EEG testing. Scalar Waves also catalyze heightened states of awareness and creativity. One of the main benefits is deep cellular detoxification. Sitting in the Sanctuary creates a higher state of molecular activity in the body, which changes the electrical charge of the cells so that they are repelling toxins that otherwise stay in the tissues. Invariably, detoxing leads to increased rejuvenation. The documented and reputed effects on people and animals is accumulative and has been profound!

Scalar Waves are scientifically recognized as the naturally occurring energy in vortexes around the world. They are well known as a fifth-dimensional non-linear field and function in a self-generating manner. When the body enters a Scalar Field, the electromagnetic field of our body becomes excited and vibrates at a heightened resonance. This resonance elevates the crystalline structure in every cell wall allowing the cells to hold a higher frequency. The shape of the Scalar Fields is reminiscent of the multiple helical structure of DNA as it folds in on itself as it stimulates DNA repair.

"My sleep is much better. My meditation is much deeper. My skin is more radiant! I experience heightened clarity, alignment, strength, focus and incredible joy!"
Actress Linda Gray, Dallas

"I was able to relax like never before in all my 60 years of meditation. I felt more passion and energy like I was a teenager again. This system absolutely relaxed the stress in my life."
Dr Bob Delmonteque, body trainer for Apollo astronauts, John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe, Clark Gable,etc. Author of new book, Lifelong Fitness 2004.