We have synergistically put together a combination of special techniques. Take time to learn more about our featured techniques:

- Bio Kenetics
- Ancient Tibetan Bowl Sound Coding
- Damanhurian Teachings, Healings Quarterly
- Sound Resonance Therapy
- High Touch Jin Shin
- SHEN Therapy Techniques
- Acupuncture & Acupressure Massage
- Body Astrology
- Inner Aikido
- Reiki
(Partial Listing)

Regenesis provides leading healing modalities that offer a powerful platform for self discovery and a new paradigm for emotional and physical health and well being. We offer a diverse and holistically based framework of intervention that acknowledges life as a multidimentional experience, and the body as a multisensory system of subtle energies which when in clarity and alignment, can play a crucial role in creating greater overall health.

Our techniques are based on spiritual philosophies and honed by years of experience working closely withthousands ofpeople all around the world. We acknowledge the power of using intuition and multisensory abilities in facilitation of health and well being and the deeper understanding of ones life journey as a vehicle for the experience of the soul.

We are seeing a new era in medical research occurring where illness and disease can be directly identified by frequency and treated energetically reducing dependence on the use of chemicals for treatment. That is what Regenesis is dedicated to providing. The real power in Regenesis's modalities lies in the capacity to access and to address causes rather than effects and symptoms.

Featured Techniques:

Bio-Kinetics - Very closely related to regular chiropractic care, this technique restores the energy flow throughout the body by stimulating the nervous system while locating the blockage of energy. The results are immediate stimulation of the thalamus, hypothalamus and cerebellum( deep brain centers). The reason this is so very important is that it increases nerve and hormonal activity which then allows the treatment to affect directly the Neuromuscular system as well as the traumas related to the bone, not just the bone itself.

Benefits: Dramatically reduce healing time from injuries, reducing pain, swelling from sprains, strains, muscle pulls, severe bruising and dislocations often in just minutes by increasing energy directly to area of injury. Eliminate allergies and chemical sensitivity permanently. Eliminate underlying causes permanently by balancing hypothalamic-endocrine function. Restore normal function to glands and organs improving resistance and vitality.

NAET (Allergy Elimination Technique) - is an extraordinary powerful allergy and emotional corrective technique that when properly applied the brain will reboot it's distressed programming and input a completely new wellness program that is free of reaction to that particular stimulation. The result is the body is no longer allergic and conditions clear up very very quickly. Imbalances that occur are detected through muscle response testing (MRT). By applying accupressure stimulation to the brain stem and spinal column, the brain then reboots in the presence of the substance it was allergic to and rereads the vibrational frequency of that substance and then is able to assimilate that back into the system. Balances the side effects of medicinal drugs and radiation related to cancer. This technique treats all kinds of allergies from foods, chemicals, materials, vaccinations, environmental substances, emotions, medications, household, etc.